FAQs for Tenants
How do I report maintenance?
All maintenance must be reported in writing. You can report maintenance via our online tenant maintenance form on our website www.goldcityrealty.com.au or send us an email via . In the event it is urgent maintenance after hours please call our office number (07) 4401 5077 which will give you an after hours mobile number to call.
What do I do if there has been accidental damage caused to the property?
If you have accidentally damaged the property, it must be reported to our office in writing as soon as possible. Please ensure any damage as has been photographed and sent through to us. We will contact the owner for their instructions however, it will likely be your responsibility to repair at your cost. We would be more than happy to assist you by providing contact details for the required tradespeople.
Can I make changes to the property?
Any changes you wish to make, temporary or permanent, must be approved by the landlord first and must be requested in writing. Altering the property without permission can result in you being issued a Notice to Remedy Breach – Form 11 and having it removed and any damage repaired at your cost.
Can I hang pictures on the walls?
In more cases than not, the landlord will approve picture hooks. However, it is their decision as to whether they will allow this or not and so it is important to ask first. You will need to request in writing by advising of how many hooks, where they will be installed and what style hook will be used so the owner can make an informed decision.
Where is my 2 weeks rent in advance?
At the start of your tenancy, you are required to pay your first 2 weeks rent plus your bond. A common mistake tenants make is to think that this will put them 2 weeks in advance Unless you start paying your rent again on the same day you start your lease. Each day after you move in and don’t pay rent takes away from those first 2 weeks. If you don’t pay your rent until 1 week after you move in you have used 7 days of the rent you have in advance.
When is my rent due and how do I pay?
Your rent is due on the same day each week. This means if you move in on a Monday, your rent must be cleared in our account by Monday each week. It is important to remember to allow time for the money to clear between banks if you are making the payment electronically. We accept bank transfer, EFTPOS, cash etc for your convenience. If you would like to make an EFTPOS payment or pay cash at our office please make an appointment with the property manager.
When will I get my bond back?
Once your keys are returned at the end of your tenancy, your property manager will complete your vacating inspection within 3 business days. After this inspection, should everything be in order and left in the condition it was given to and all your rent is paid up to date and there are no outstanding bills we can complete your bond refund through the RTA online if you are receiving a full bond refund. Through the online portal with the RTA this allows for your bond to be transferred through to your nominated bank account. If there are deductions from your bond, all bond holders will be required to sign a form first.
Can I have someone move in with me?
In order to make any changes to the lease you must seek owner approval first. The new person moving in must complete a tenancy application and be approved prior to moving in. You can receive a Notice to Remedy Breach (Form 11) if there are unapproved occupants living at the property. It is very important to follow the required steps.
How do I break my lease?
We understand, unforeseen circumstances can sometimes mean you need to vacate before your lease ends. There is some paperwork to complete and some fees and charges that may be applicable. Once the paperwork is signed, we will commence our advertising campaign to re-let the property as quickly as possible. You are also required to continue to maintain the property and pay rent until your lease ends or until another tenant moves in.
How do I apply for a new pet?
Applying for a pet can be done so in writing to our office. You can send an email or complete a pet application form by popping into the office. The application will be put forward to the owner to approve or deny at their discretion.
Do I have to be home for an inspection?
No, you don’t have to be home for an inspection. Your property manager will bring a set of keys for the property to gain access whilst you are not home. If you have any concerns you would like to discuss with us, you can send us an email
You are more than welcome to be present for the inspection to show us through. If you won’t be home, it is important that all dogs are secured or restrained for the inspection to be completed.
Do I have to maintain the smoke alarms?
Smoke alarms are extremely important and should NOT be removed or damaged in any way. If you notice any issues with your smoke alarm (beeping constantly, not sounding when you think it should etc) please contact us as soon as possible to report the fault.
Can I have a portable pool?
Anything that can hold a depth of 300mm of deeper must be fenced and compliant with state pool fencing laws. Unfortunately, most blow up pools and spas will fall under this category and as a safety precaution are not permitted under any circumstance. Should you wish to install a pool, you would need to seek approval from the property owner prior to commencing any installation. Failing to abide by these rules will see a Notice to Remedy Breach – Form 11 issued.
Should I get contents insurance?
We recommend all tenants to have contents insurance. The property owner is responsible for insuring the house and permanent fixtures and fittings (i.e curtains, carpet etc) however, this does not cover any of your personal belongings. For example, if the property is broken into and your belongings are stolen you would need to have contents insurance to cover the loss.